Sunday, May 09, 2010

Suspants--the panty garter saves the day

Panty Garter (suspender briefs in the UK)
Panty and garter combination used in place of a girdle or garter belt to hold women's stockings up.
Suspants was a panty garter offered by Blue Swan, a brand of the McKay Products Corporation, beginning in 1947. Suspants became so popular that the name became the generic name for all panty garters (a retro-proprietary eponym since the panty garter is not commonly worn today).
To accomplish its' task comfortably the garment was designed specifically so the weight of the wearer's stockings would not pull the panty down and movement would not stretch and tear nylon stockings. Garters could be removed and they could just be worn as a panty.


angie said...

My wife and many of her friends tried out Suspants. Universally, they found that Suspants did not do a good job of holding up their stockings.

JhMcKn said...

My stepmother had a slim figure, but wore nylons almost every day. Suspants worked just fine for her and she had about six or seven pairs in different colors. They even made them in black. Detachable garters were about 4" long.

Unknown said...

My stepmother also wore very soft girdles like Flexees that kept her little tummy in but she didn't need much support.
My father bought a lot of her lingerie and he knew her sizes. She was a chic looking women back in the late 40's and early 50's and wore her Suspants frequently sometimes without the garters because she wasn't wearing nylons.